Peroneal Tendonitis

Peroneal Tendonitis is inflammation of one or both of the peroneal tendons. These tendons stabilise the foot and prevent the ankle from spraining. They also allow you to turn your foot outwards. Both tendons are connected to the calf muscle – with one joining to the inner foot from the big toe, and the other to the outer foot from the little toe. They run down the back of the calf, past the outside of the ankle then split into two.

Symptoms of Peroneal Tendonitis

The main symptoms of Peroneal Tendonitis include:

  • You will feel a pain at the back of the ankle with swelling and this pain worsens during activity.
  • Your feet get tired easily and the inside under the feet can become swollen.
  • The affected area feels warm to touch and pain also occurs when moving the foot in or out.

What causes Peroneal Tendonitis?

  • The condition is caused by microtears in one of the peroneal tendons due to overuse, excessive exertion, or trauma.
  • It is a common occurrence among participants of sports that involve the repetitive movement of the ankle, such as running, and those with high arches or displaced heels (hindfoot varus).
  • This is because most peroneal tendonitis injuries happen right at the contact phase of gait because of the increased stress at this particular point.

Treatment and prevention of Peroneal Tendonitis

  • First of all have your injury diagnosed by a medical professional, who may x-ray or use other advanced imaging.
  • The key to successful treatment starts with RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation). It is important to strengthen the ankle with exercises and never ignore any pain in this area, it will not go away.
  • Stretching exercises to also reinforce key muscles in the lower body will not only help recovery but also decrease the probability of the injury recurring.
  • Enertor Running PX1 insoles with a good pair of midfoot supportive trainers which will help reduce your recovery time.
  • Following these recommendations, will speed your recovery but also decrease the probability of the injury recurring. Enertor compression socks will help reduce pain and inflammation.

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