The Incredible Stats Behind Shock Absorption When Running

The Incredible Stats Behind Shock Absorption When Running

Running is one of the most intense, high-impact activities our bodies ever undertake.

Every time your foot hits the earth, a shock that amounts to nearly five times your weight travels up your legs and impacts your spine. This repetitive impact causes your muscles to tighten and your spine to compress, making the average runner around one centimetre shorter by the time they complete a marathon.

It’s a temporary reduction in height, however, and by the following morning, everything is back to normal, but it just goes to show the amount of force exerted when running.

On the plus side running has a weight-bearing effect that makes it one of the best activities when it comes to strengthening your bones. The key to minimising stress on your body and enjoying an injury free run is to select a running shoe that will effectively absorb shock and prevent injury.

What To Look For

Casual joggers and dedicated marathon runners alike need to wear shoes that absorb the constant shock of your foot hitting the ground. This is especially important if you run on unyielding surfaces like concrete and regularly strike the ground with your heels. If you fail to wear properly cushioned shoes, knee and back injuries can result, so don’t attempt to cut corners on cost when it comes to proper footwear.


Common Mistakes in Footwear Selection

Even experienced runners make the number one mistake of buying running shoes online without being able to try them on first. The correct fit for your foot type and running style are highly important, and it is impossible for you to accurately evaluate the shock-absorbing quality of a pair of shoes without first trying them on and taking some practice jogging steps.

Another big mistake is failure to replace your shoes when needed. Researchers say most shoes lose their cushioning ability after around 400 – 500 miles and should be replaced. Using shoes long after they had lost their effectiveness is exposing you to an injury risk.


Use Shoe Cushions and Impact Insoles

Placing cushioning into your shoes to control impact really does have a beneficial effect. Shock-absorbing insoles, paired with a correct running technique, can help to minimise the shock impact on your legs and spine. It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this level of protection: imagine running several miles a week and the number of strides you are taking that amount to approximately five times your body weight. The potential for major wear and tear on your muscles is immense, but wearing the correct shoes and mastering your running technique lay the foundation for a low-stress run.


About Enertor Advanced Technology Insoles 

Enertor insoles are designed to prevent a number of common running injuries and provide more comfort. Designed by leading podiatrists, and clinically proven to reduce injuries,  the unique design features support your foot throughout training.  Enertor insoles are enhanced by D3O impact protection technology, which means they can provide more shock absorption than any other insole.  Our expertise, combined with the patented D3O shock absorption technology, enables Enertor to deliver the most advanced injury prevention insoles on the market today.

Enertor insoles are available online HERE .



Whilst Enertor has over 18 years Orthotics experience, our blog content is provided for informational purposes only and it is not a substitute for your own doctor’s medical advice. Enertor advises anyone with an injury to seek their own medical advice – and do not make any health or medical related decisions based solely on information found on this site



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