Performance insoles for Cricketers

Performance insoles for Cricketers

Cricket is a sport that might look pretty passive, but there’s a great physical toll. Spending hours on your feet, sudden explosive running and repetitive impacts all take it out of you. The reward of playing a 5 day test or a weekend social match can come with fatigue and the potential for injury. One way to reduce fatigue and injury is to wear cricket insoles.


For bowlers, the repetitive impact of the run up and sudden stopping can put a lot of pressure on the feet. The impact can send shocks up through the feet and legs, putting strain on the knees. Batsmen and women also can feel fatigue and shocks to the joints every time they make a run. Those on the field can suffer fatigue from being on their feet for long periods of time, which can cause problems if sudden movement is called for, like when a knock comes your way.


Using cricket insoles can provide a great deal of cushioning which should help mitigate most of these injury concerns, and in particular, reduce impact damage. For example, repeated poor footfall can cause joints to overcompensate, leading to the risk of stress fractures and damage in the knees and hips, along with attendant back pain.


Staying fresh out on the field and reducing fatigue can help to improve performance overall. Providing stability can also help to reduce the most common cricketing injury – sprained or turned ankles.


Cricket shoes are typically designed to provide a neutral level of support. They don’t always cater to the needs of the different roles cricketers can take on the pitch. Using cricket insoles can help to personalise your cricket shoes to give you the best performance and results.


Using insoles in your cricket shoes can make a big difference to your performance. The less wear and tear you experience during the match (and at training sessions), the better your long term performance should be. Furthermore, you’ll be in a better condition coming off the grounds, meaning shorter recovery periods. Insoles can make a surprisingly large impact.

About Enertor Advanced Technology Insoles –  Enertor insoles are designed to prevent a number of common running injuries and provide more comfort. Designed by leading podiatrists to reduce your risk of injury,  the unique design features support your foot throughout training.  Enertor insoles are enhanced by D3O impact protection technology, which means they can provide more shock absorption than any other insole.  Our expertise, combined with the patented D3O shock absorption technology, enables Enertor to deliver the most advanced injury prevention insoles on the market today.

Enertor insoles are available to buy from our online shop .


Whilst Enertor has over 18 years Orthotics experience, our blog content is provided for informational purposes only and it is not a substitute for your own doctor’s medical advice. Enertor advises anyone with an injury to seek their own medical advice – and do not make any health or medical related decisions based solely on information found on this site

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